Success Stories
19-month pilot of combined on-site and tele-pharmacy and inpatient discharge medication reconciliation project.
Published Am J -Syst Pharm. 2014;71:2159-66.
6402 comprehensive reconciled discharge patient’s medication list
29% of pharmacist interventions involved opiate medications.
22% of pharmacist interventions involved cardiovascular
634 (10%) of all patient medication, lists contained errors that were identified, clarified, and documented.
31% of all patient medication, lists contained errors that were identified, clarified, and documented.
18-month program Oct 2017-Mar 2019, integrating MTM and DUR for primary HIV care for DC (District of Columbia) ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program).
Published in HIV Specialist. December 2019. p-40-6.
7 adults and 12/50 ARV- treated young adults were non-adherent.
690 client cases were screened and reviewed for noncompliance with USPHS ARV treatment Guidelines.
21 Clients (18 adults and 8 young adults) referred to telepharmacy service for MTM including comprehensive medication review.
6402 comprehensive reconciled discharge patient’s medication list
Mednovate Connect Pilot for Prince Georges’ County, Maryland Senior Centers, Senior Facilities and Health and Wellness Programs.
Program conducted December 2017 – February 2020.